Keys to Discovering God’s Will
Have you felt that God could be calling you to be a priest or brother? No matter what your vocation, the process of discovering it is half of the battle. Done right, this process lays a firm foundation for your living out of this vocation, be it to marriage, dedicated single life, or priesthood and religious life.
What is a vocation?Our vocation is our call from God to share in His mission in the world, and it is given to us for our salvation and to cooperate in the salvation of others. We receive our vocation at the moment of our Baptism, then we spend the next several decades of our life trying to discover what that call may be, asking questions like:
Why would God keep this a secret from us? We know our Lord loves us and does not play games with us, so why would He not tell us immediately who we are and what vocation He has called us to live?
It must be that the process of discovering our vocation is itself beneficial to us and to our ability to live the vocation most fully.
Searching for the hidden call can be beneficial
What is a vocation?Our vocation is our call from God to share in His mission in the world, and it is given to us for our salvation and to cooperate in the salvation of others. We receive our vocation at the moment of our Baptism, then we spend the next several decades of our life trying to discover what that call may be, asking questions like:
- Who have you created me to be, O Lord?
- How have you called me to love and serve?
- How will my heart be fulfilled?
- Who am I?
Why would God keep this a secret from us? We know our Lord loves us and does not play games with us, so why would He not tell us immediately who we are and what vocation He has called us to live?
It must be that the process of discovering our vocation is itself beneficial to us and to our ability to live the vocation most fully.
Searching for the hidden call can be beneficial
- Working to figure out this hidden call builds dedication and resolve. This determination is a powerful aid to your ability to live your vocation throughout the rest of your life.
- Properly searching for your vocation requires humility and trust, which help you to be more reliant upon God's providence. This is also crucial to living your vocation well.
- To be effective in your vocation (no matter what it is), you must be good at listening to God and praying to Him. Time spent with Jesus exploring your vocation builds up your relationship with Christ and your ability to hear and listen to Him.
- Daily Mass: If you are not going every day or cannot go every day, then start small. Just go one more time than you are already going to Mass each week, and then as you get used to that add another until you find yourself frequenting daily Mass.
- Daily Rosary: If you are not currently in the habit of praying a rosary each day, just start with one decade and build up the habit from there.
- Daily Holy Hour: Many people do not have the opportunity to pray a holy hour every day, so try to just spend 10-15 minutes of quiet meditative prayer each day, and maybe have a more extended period once a week of 30-45 minutes. (Our Praying with Scripture brochure gives helpful advice and scripture passages.)
- Liturgy of the Hours: also called the Divine Office, it is considered the prayer of the Church. Five times a day priests and religious stop to pray Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and the Office of Readings. Many lay people join in saying this form of prayer daily. If you are not familiar with it, there are apps and websites dedicated to explaining how to pray these hours. Maybe just start with Night prayer, the shortest and the most regular. You can access these prayers at iBreviary.
- Frequent Confession: The Sacrament of Penance is considered the sacrament of discernment, because every time you go to confession you have to compare who you are with the person God is calling you to be. If you are seriously discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, it is recommended you go to confession every 2-3 weeks, or at the very least once a month.