Greetings from the Ladies of St. Leo's!
We welcome and encourage all women of our parish to participate in our mission of serving the church. We look forward to working together, building our fellowship and friendships.
The Ladies are are organized into "Circles" and each Circle is assigned 3 Co-Circle Chair Ladies. These Co-Chair's take on the responsibility to call on the fellow Ladies in their Circle when help is needed within our parish for different functions, events or happenings.
Some of these functions, events or happenings can be helping at Donut Sundays, Celebratory Masses, Class of "XX" Senior Dinner, Funerals as well as providing food for funerals & vigils. There are several ways our Ladies help out in our church and our parish is ever so grateful!
Please contact the Parish Office for more details! 308-382-4753
The Ladies are are organized into "Circles" and each Circle is assigned 3 Co-Circle Chair Ladies. These Co-Chair's take on the responsibility to call on the fellow Ladies in their Circle when help is needed within our parish for different functions, events or happenings.
Some of these functions, events or happenings can be helping at Donut Sundays, Celebratory Masses, Class of "XX" Senior Dinner, Funerals as well as providing food for funerals & vigils. There are several ways our Ladies help out in our church and our parish is ever so grateful!
Please contact the Parish Office for more details! 308-382-4753